This formerly glorious publication which I shall not even bother naming has also fallen into the habit of censoring its comments section, at least when it comes to white tears. Fortunately, I could still save this obviously far superior comment from the rather myopic agitprop from whence it came. I know it is superior because the quality of your commentary is inversely proportional to how long it stays unscathed. That's why the sanctimonious finger-wagging op-eds rarely get deleted, but the comments rarely last long.
Anyone - black or white or of any other pigmentation persuasion - with a Rhodes Scholarship can but only cry White Tears. Someone with a Rhodes Scholarship is in the very lap of privilege, the likes of which not even the majority of pale South Africans born with a silver spoon will ever see. That is why it is not uncommon to see their ilk waiting on tables instead of whipping their slaves on their ill-begotten land, which they refuse to give up, you see.
A similar campaign was started by someone for Darryn August. It also managed to raise more than R 100 000 and is currently just shy of R 200 000. Leaving the problematic notion of trying to quantify a qualia in the manner of how much charity is charity and beyond which charity is obscene behind for a second and just taking things as they are presented:
The notion that this is only minority white capital showing black capital who is boss is entirely falsified (read: It is revealed for the spurious, contrived notion that it is, directly from the shallow depths that it had to stoop to). Sorry, I didn't do a pencil test on Darryn August so I cant tell you if his skin colour merits charity, nor how much is really enough and beyond which it would just be obscene to extend further goodwill to someone. But feel free to decide for yourself and don't forget to judge someone else's charity harshly if it causes cognitive dissonance and doesn't fit within the neat, convenient, lazy, regurgitated ideological blinkers.
By the way, instead of pontificating about how much the goodwill of other people puts you to shame, perhaps it is more fruitful to find a cause that you feel is worthy and donate to that. Per definition, there are very few people who are truly privileged like a Rhodes Scholar would be anywhere in the world. One person's charity does not pacify yours. You should be ashamed because for an activist you didn't do much in any active sense, but it's not too late. You too can do some good for a change. It would be a radical change, but it is worthwhile. Whataboutery on the other hand is a lose-lose scenario.
Contrary to what is claimed, anyone can in fact start a crowdfunding campaign. It is true. Many have, but the reason why this particular White Tip campaign was so successful is largely because it gave people like me an opportunity to tell people like the Rhodes Must Fall rascists and remedial Radical Chic journalists that they are full of manure.